Creating a portfolio of individual stocks


Registered User
Age 26 - €30k in the bank which I'd like to invest. I work in a lucrative industry and would expect to earn €100k + p/y in the next 3 years, so I sort of see this €30k as a bit of a free punt (excuse the pun).

I own an apartment and rent out the spare room to a friend (covers 65% of my mortgage expense), I could get a stranger in who would cover 90% of the mortgage, but I'm happy as things are.

My employer pays 10% pension contribution - I pay 15% (max).

After pension, mortgage and living expenses I have about €1600 to save per month.

Ideally i'd put the €30k in an ETF and contribute €1600 p/m, however given the 8 year deemed disposal I've heard the best approach could be to create a portfolio of shares instead. My plan is to use to DeGiro to create a portfolio of 25-30 shares (mainly large cap, diversified industry and country + Irish REIT + 3-5 smaller stocks that I think have good growth potential) and hold for a long period (20-30 years). I'm no expert, however my background is in Risk/Investment so I'm not completely green in this respect.

Two Questions:

1) What is the tax treatment of this approach? Would I only pay tax on the sale of individual shares?

2) What would you do in my situation? Is there a better approach?
1) CGT on capital gains; income tax, PRSI & USC on dividends.
2) Use €10k to pay a lump sum off the mortgage and keep the €20k balance on deposit for emergencies. Going forward, I would clear the mortgage before investing outside a pension wrapper.