Council stops paying rent under RAS -tells me to give tenant notice


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I have a House rented to co co under a ras agreement
Received a letter from council on friday saying tenant not paying rent and for me to issue a letter to her giving her notice to quit. I am sending this letter in the morning
Council is going to stop paying me on 28th Feb.
RTB told me that basically tenancy cant be terminated until 21st April
Anyone any experience of this?

It would appear I'm going to lose out the council won' stand in and cover the gap
This happened to me some years ago.

The tenant pays minuscule rent to the Council but probably has not been engaging for some time. If the tenant begins to pay the rent again the council won't stop paying you rent.

Serve the notice and ask the tenant to contact the council about paying the rent arrears to them.
Does the Covid ban on evictions not stop you evicting the tenant.

It might be worth your while to give the tenant the money to pay the council.

Strange times
From what I gather the tenant would have a pattern of owing the council money for rent.

There is a process involved with the PRTB where I give her notice that I will be terminating her contract and she has 28 days to respond, she can get mabs involved at that stage. If she doesn't respond I can then send her a termination of contract, but due to covid she can remain for 3 months, that's my understanding, it's heavy reading on a Sunday afternoon.
I spoke to the Council this morning

They already issued the warning letter and they advised me to issue a termination of tenancy letter to the tenant.

They also advised me that I don't need to get the RTB involved as the tenant isn't paying me rent, the tenant is paying the council. The Council don't engage with the RTB, and I don't have to either apparently
It's just a ploy by the Council to get the tenant to pay rent. If the tenant feels like they might lose their lodgings they might start paying up.
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The HAP contract needs to be legally challenged. Its not right that landlords are legally obliged to sign what is essentially a bad contract. A tenant on HAP is financially vulnerable and they are forcing that risk on private landlords. There should be two separate contracts one between the landlord and council and one between tenant and council. It takes a long time to evict a tenant all the while with no rent and a mortgage to pay!
Are you sure your contract is with the tenant? I have a RAS tenant and my contract is with the council.