council consent required for purchase of ex-council house


Registered User
Has anyone ever needed this and if yes, how long did it take? It only transpired when we were signing contracts and I was ready to strangle someone. You'd think the EA or the vendor or the solicitor would have thought that this might be important information to give to us at an earlier stage!!! I've heard of people who had to wait for weeks on end to get this, so if anyone has any experiences or useful hints, I'd be most grateful to receive them...
Did your solicitor not apprise you of this important fact?! Have you tried to obtain it yet? If you encounter delays then you could try pestering your elected representatives (especially councillors) especially since there's an election looming. ;-)
No, no-one happened to mention the fact to us, can you belive it. I assume they (the EA, the vendor and both solicitors) were aware of that fact.... The same happened to my partner's brother. They were only told when they were at signing stage. Usually that fact is mentioned when the houses are advertised or at least when they're shown, and the EA must know, because investors can't buy these type of houses.. This usually keeps the prices low, so that's probably why they didn't want to advertise this.... Buggers!!!
Whatever about the EA being aware and/or telling you I would have assumed that your own solicitor, having gone through the legals, should have been in a position to do so. You should ask him/her why this was not the case.
Well the solicitor seemed to be under the impression that we knew, and even when they realised we didn't know, thought this would only take a week, so I had to educate them about that a little bit....