Cost of Cobblelocking


Registered User
Anyone know the cost of cobblelocking per square meter and the cost of concrete per square meter?

We are redoing our driveway and need some advice.

Sorry don't know the prices you are looking for but think long and hard about cobblelocking. Brother in-law had it done some time ago and weeds coming up between the cobbles keep him very busy, if he was to do it now he wouldn't get it done.
Hi Spose,
i dont know the current prices,but from experience concrete is far cheaper,you can also get imprinted concrete different designs colours etc, which is a bit dearer than ordinary concrete but still alot cheaper than cobbles brick etc,also there is no weeds with either concrete options.

This website is very good Would definitely recommend not getting cobblelock. Looks well in the beginning but too high maintenance. Imprinted concrete is a better job.

If you run the search option there are many previous threads giving advice. Not sure if some of them give approx. prices.
I have a pea gravel driveway for circa 20 years now. Fantastic. A rake once a year and it freshens the whole thing up.
Cobbleblock is really only a maintenance issue when not done correctly. I do have the old weed/moss which I either pick the odd time or spray once a year. Agreed take a look at the paving expert website for info/advice

Re printed concrete: There is a house I've passed many a time on the ballyfermot main road that really does look like cobbleblock but upon very close inspection it is actually concrete. Best job I've ever seen.
