Cork Floods

villa 1

Registered User
Hi Folks .The real capital is under water. Incredible damage but where's the media coverage? Little bit of a sprinkler in dublin ireland and there is a mass emergency. Cork City, and many west cork towns are under several feet of water, incredible scenes!!

I'm sure d'eggazm'nar and Paschal Sheehy are all over it, and Echo Echo man is in his waders selling the story to passers by ... in their canoes.

I think after that mechanical implement Stephen Ireland had his whinge against Dublin last week there's no appetite for People Republic Paranoia.

Feel very sorry for the businesses there, awful in the run up to Christmas, and I do enjoy a days shopping there in the week after Christmas.
There's a series of photos doing the rounds on e-mail.

It looks pretty bad.

Think of the impact if that happened in a city !
How much is this gonna cost the country?

The scenes were terrible. I haven't seen water as high as that on the news for years.Feel so sorry for those people affected. Their houses will be ruined.
That's typical of what happens when someone from Cork imports a timber-frame house from Australia.
well, the good thing see, is where the door is... flood proof.. and the shape of the roof is conducive to rowing it around
Army now called in for transport & to help hospitals. Mercy hospital badly hit A & E there closed and U.C.C. closed til 30 Nov. Don't ever remember anything this bad from floods. Earlier was even a package holiday warning on radio "don't drink the water".
Yeah I heard the Mythbusters where in Ireland to dispell the myth that Cork floats.

Look at the mess they left behind them. . . .
It looks as if the Evening Herald sub editor has got it wrong then
Floods hit Cork

Ireland's second city was today cut off as rising flood waters sparked an unprecedented emergency in Cork city.
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Whats the problem? Aren't Cork people able to walk on water?

Strange post! IMO Cork is getting lions share of coverage - on radio now. Not sure about the reference to Dublin.
Galway's floods are much better than Cork's floods!! Shure most of Cork's floods were man-made when they opened some dam...

High tides and a rising Lough Corrib mean things are only getting worse here.
Galway's floods are much better than Cork's floods!! Shure most of Cork's floods were man-made when they opened some dam...

High tides and a rising Lough Corrib mean things are only getting worse here.

We have a cool dam.
As sad as all this is over the last few days, and appreciating that many people have lost a lot in damaged homes/farms etc, I still can't believe the amount of 'blame game' being spouted on TV and radio reports.

We seem to have turned into a nation of moaning gits in recent times. This is 99% a force of nature problem, not the Gov's, yet I hear people complaining that Gov ministers aren't standing knee deep in the water to appreciate it.