Copenhagen short break


Li'l mermaid

Two of us going on a spur of the moment last minute break to Copenhagen in a couple of days. What's the best way to organise for three days in the Danish capital? What are the essentials to know? What should we see? What should we avoid?
We need to book accommodation, something central. preferably with a good deal. I'm looking at but I'm not sure of the geography of the city so can't yet make an informed choice.
I checked the key posts but didn't see Copenhagen or Denmark listed.
Some last minute advice would be a great help. Thanks all.
Have you tried having a look at or ( - Copenhagen)
Was there a couple of years ago. My best memories - the free use of bicycles and the pains I had after day one as I hadn't cycled in years. Take a trip (cycle) out to Christiana which is a commune dating from the 60's I think. A city within a city and way out (man!). Friend of mine organized an evening out in the restaurant there and the food was great! But that was three years ago. And of course Carlsberg and the Tivoli Gardens (which is a fun park). Enjoy