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Does anyone know if a solicitor can do the conveyancing for the seller and the purchaser?

I would not think so but a friend of mine is saying that this is what he is doing as it is much more efficient.

If this is not allowed then do they get around this by using different solicitors from the same firm?
This was discussed before although I can't find the thread now but ideally the buyer and seller should get their own independent legal advice on such a transaction. I would have assumed that a solicitor could not act for both parties in such a trasaction due to potential conflict of interest issues.
It is not recommended; but only in the sale of a new house by a builder is it actually prohibited by the Law Society.
The arrangement proposed by the original poster is not recommende by the law society.

However, It is done sometimes, for example the transfer of a house from a father to a son, however this would only be for a simple amicable transfer and both parties would be informed that it is not recommended.