Contributory state pension



I have lived in Ireland since 1982 and worked here since 1992, after a 12 year break and 10 yrs work in Britain. My British pension is worked out. No-one I can find seems clear about whether my Irish pension will be averaged from when I started work in Ireland, or from when I left school in Britain. I am also not clear whether I can leave work before age 66 (I am nearly 63) and still claim the contributory pension. It seems I am not eligible for transition pension as some of my contributions are S class. Can anyone shed light please?
According to the Citizens Information website here, as you are over 60 you can ask the Department of Social & Family Affairs to clarify your entitlement.

There are links in the first paragraph ("Information") of that page that will bring to details of how you can pay voluntary PRSI contributions to maintain your PRSI record if you retire early.