Contributory old age pension


Registered User
My wife (current age 46) commenced work (& contributing PRSI) back in 1978. She left employment on the birth of out first child in 1991 and continues to be a full time housewife to-date (our youngest child is now 10 years old). She would like to take up some employment in the coming year , but not on a full time basis . My questions are as follows :

(a). In relation to the PRSI qualifying criteria for the contributory old age pension - what constitutes a ”contribution” ? Is there a minimum number of days per week she will have to work to ensure the required amount of contributions are accumulated by age 66 ?

(b). If on reaching age 66, she does not obtain the contributory old age pension due to inadequate contributions, etc….. as I can claim an allowance for her as a dependant, in today’s terms, what would be the difference in our combined income / pension from the state if she did qualify compared to I receiving an allowance in the event of her failing to meet the contributory old age pension contribution requirements ?
To earn a class A credit, she just needs to earn €38 a week. Whether thats for 1 hour or 38 makes no difference.
Even if she isn't earning enough to have to pay prsi herself, her employer will be paying her contribution.

Have a read of this on the Homemaker's Scheme. She may be able to have credits for time spent rearing your family. Years spent homemaking can also be used to reduce the number of years her contributions will be divided by to come up with her average.

If your wife doesn't qualify for a full pension in her own right you can claim her as a dependant on your pension. You will always be paid whichever arrangement is of most benefit to you.
Lots of info here on conditions, rates etc. [broken link removed]