Contesting mother's will while she is still alive

If it were me I'd walk away or least just do what Electo suggested. Older People often get cantankerous and bitter, blackmailing with inheritance. I wouldn't put up with that.

Also once a parent needs care siblings often disappear regardless of all the talk. None will value all the sacrifices and costs incurred by the carer. If you want to make that commitment of care do it because you want to and not for any other reason.

Also expect that in the future people will invent stories to make them look good and you look bad. Regardless of what actually happened.

I've seen all the above to often.
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Albacore A...........This has already happened in terms of stories about me to extended family living abroad. However, local people witnessed me being her carer and have taken a dim view of her treatment of me. I don't get involved in any of it on either side.
Walk away would be my advice. You will drive yourself mad trying to counteract these stories and prove the truth to your mother. Let them at it.
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Yep. That's the conclusion I've come to. I'm staying away......but sod it, I'll help if she falls etc. I just remember occasionally the fun I used to have with my siblings up to our 30's. We were all great pals until we got married. Happens to lots of families, I guess.