Consequences of retailer processing Visa transaction without permission


Registered User
I have a business. A guy owes me €2,500. He has promised to pay several times, but didnt keep his promise. I know this guys Visa card number & expiry date. Could I get into trouble by using the credit card without his permission to collect my money.
Re: Using Visa card without permission

In a word.......YES!!
Don't do it unless you like the gardai knocking at your door!
Re: Using Visa card without permission

What can the Gardai do to me. The guy owes me the money. What law am I breaking.
Re: Using Visa card without permission

If you used his CC number to purchase goods to the value of what you were owed - it constitutes fraud, because you are not the registered user of the card. He would be quite within his rights to inform his CC company, who would instruct him to inform the gardai and prosecute you.
Re: Using Visa card without permission

I am not talking about buying goods. I am thinking of punching his credit card number into my credit card machine to collect my money.
Re: Using Visa card without permission

The cardholder must authorise the payment for it to be valid. If you do this then the cardholder could easily ask the card provider to do a chargeback and reclaim the funds. You could end up out of pocket by having to foot any charges that arise. This is all apart from the legal issues mentioned above. Don't do it!
Re: Using Visa card without permission

While i sympathise with your situation the action you are considering is little different than "i know he has cash under his mattress and i know where he hides the spare key, why can't i let myself in and take the money?".

It's theft, plain and simple.
Re: Using Visa card without permission

i can't believe you would even thing it would be ok to take this approach... put the shoe on the other would you like it if someone did this to pay off a debt you owed?
Re: Using Visa card without permission

Guys give him a break. He's only asking if he can do it. He's obviously stressed out over being owed €2500, that's quite a few quid in a lot of people's books. Fair enough, he shouldn't do it, you don't have to slag him off over asking.
Re: Using Visa card without permission

Honestly not slagging him off.I'm actually wondering is the guy serious?
Re: Using Visa card without permission

I too can understand how people might be gobsmacked at somebody in business even considering such a thing.
Re: Using Visa card without permission

Makes one think twice about where you use your card. It is totally illegal and as someone else said in a previous post "two wrongs don't make a right".
Re: Using Visa card without permission

Hi Cronly,

Apart from everything else I imagine that your would be in breach of Visa's T&C's for retailers. What do the T&C's say about "card not present" transactions?

Thanks folks for clarifying the issues. I am swayed by majority opinion & wont do it.
I am just wondering how you have his credit card details? If you had it to take an initial payment or deposit it's not quite like you stole his details.I know of many large store in Dublin who collect customer balances this way without informing the customer.