Consequences Of Not Paying mortgage

I was planning on moving home maybe in two years.

3. Not sure if I'll be heading home anytime soon (if ever) so don't really fear the bank manager knocking down my door.

Which is it?

Well if you plan on coming back to Ireland anytime, you are better off addressing the issue with the bank now as opposed to running into diffciulties re. credit etc. if/when you decide to return.

Simply not paying for the mortgage will ensure that the Irish tax payer will have to pick up the bill in the long run. People like you running away from their debts will ensure this country is fooked for generations to come.

Nice one mate. Wear your irish colours with pride in NZ.
Save your ire for the big ones who are currently getting away with it and don't forget their actions caused a lot of people to be where Colin is now.
It amazes me how those who decided to get involved as property investors, got involved in stupid bidding wars and pushed up property prices for those of us who merely wanted a roof over their heads, and now that their bet hasn't paid off, now want the rest of us to pay for their bet and are so bloody blatant about it. It's like seeing someone come on the forum and ask advice about to go about cheating on the dole.
Save your ire for the big ones who are currently getting away with it and don't forget their actions caused a lot of people to be where Colin is now.

The banks role in driving our country into the ground is another discussion for another thread.

I was simply responding to the OP's query on the "consequences of not paying his mortgage". When will these people start taking some responsibilty for their actions? The banks did not ambush them off the street and put a gun to their heads and make them take out mortgages on grossly over valued property.

Only two days ago a court judge stated that he was not happy with banks and how they had conducted their business and said he wasn't going to give court orders for repossession where he found the bank to be at fault for letting some people get into a mess in the first place. This is the gist of what I understood him to say but I only heard it with kids screaming, I think it was particularly directed to sub prime mortgages. So I think it is relevant to this thread. Unfortunately there are some situations in life where walking away is better and OP seems to be in that situation. And for those who think we'll pay for his mess, well I'd rather pay for that miniscule amount when the reality is we're going to be paying for years for the real villains.
i am owner of apartment -- and like thousand of unemployed i ireland , simply cannot afford to pay mortgage- regardless low benefits and some 'symbolic' mortgage supplements- I learned hat banks take your house in their possesion if you are not keping paying mortgage-- they can take over after some time -- few months -- when you donot pay ,, or you can drop them key with letter ( @ I am sorry to give my house away..) - by yourself--- I WOULD NOT LISTEN THOSE SCARY RUMBLINGS HERE , COURT ?? ALL OF US WOULD END UP IN COURT IF THAT WAS AN ISSUE . Sorry people -- you are simply unaware or insecure with life. Listen. Just leave it empty , stop paying at at the end of the day goverment will take your house -- you already did a great job for them paying highest bank interest in Europe for years... so you are ok )) smiles and best of luck -- sorry for mistke -- I am crap in your language , but at leat I can think )

look - we are all on the same cloud ....why you point those negative feeling to poor guy who cannot pay is bloody mortgage ? Point it to your politicians and rich ... not a half-suicides... cause can hardly keep up every day living... I thought Americans has no souls ,, but it seems to me that Irish people is one big Inquisition --- wait and will see how you going to sing your song when you will stay with nothing , but family has to be fed , children educated and you will try to be very Honest and Nobel then??? A little bit hypocrisy here , please. Help each other people here , not crucify because someone has QUESTION or PROBLEM ....
...?? --That is very insecure 'PYRAMID'- IF YOU ARE SUCH A PATRIOT WHY YOU CALLED YOURSELF A 'pyramid' ????
I absolutely agree - this is a policy of most of banks in Ireland -- read below your mortgage contracts --the banks will take a home away from you is you donot pay your mortgage at time...So please calm down with this tragedy thing... PS-- Goverment pronounced reposesed houses to be given away to knackers as a 'Social Houses' in future--- now you can get really upset - uh ?