"Conmen find social networks to their liking"

Brendan Burgess

Good article by Karlin Lillington in today's [broken link removed]

Not too sure about this one, it sounds far too simplistic IMO.

Banks will not let you retreive your password through email, also they need access to your account number and for some banks, maybe all? you need a password AND pin number.
Social networking sites offer invaluable information to conmen and thieves.

How often does one see status updates like: "Off to Marbella for 2 weeks...can't wait!"

What one doesn't then see is the thought process of the conman/thief: "Oh really...so your home is vacant for the next fortnight? Happy days!"

Only if you are silly enough to leave the content of your page open to the public.

But sure, there are plenty of those i suppose.