Conditions attached to an inheritance


Registered User
Can a person leave a house to someone with a condition attached? I don't mean a life interest.

eg. Peter thinks he can will his house to his son, and stipulate that his son doesn't sell it. I would have thought the son could do whatever he likes with the house when he inherits it.
Attaching a condition such as you describe would be difficult I should think?

How could it be enforced for a start off - Peter is hardly going to come back from the grave!

Also would it leave it impossible to raise a mortgage or loan on the property? So if son needed to do repairs/renovation he could be stuck.

I'd question why someone wants that level of control after their death?
If Peter fears that his son might do something foolish eg. sell the house , squander the money and leave himself homeless he can specify in his will that the house will be his sons "for his lifetime" which means he can't sell it. It makes sense for someone who may have a mental illness etc