Computer Fraud? Receiving Phone Calls


Registered User

I hope someone can give me some advice on this. I received a phonecall the other day, from someone who sounded Indian, asking if I was Mrs So and So and if I was the owner of my computer. I said yes and she went into a big spiel about being from Windows XP (I think she said XP, but it was definitley Windows) and that they had received several error messages from my computer and that I should turn it on immediately and type in a command, otherwise I could loose all my data. I told her there was no need for her to worry as I had my computer fixed only a week previously (which I had). She got most insistent and was quite forceful that I should go turn on my computer now! I told her I couldn't anyway as I was minding my child and didn't have time. She said she would call back and I thought that would be the end of it. She called again in the afternoon but my husband hung up on her. She called again yesterday, with the same spiel and was quite agressive that I turn on my computer. I told her I didn't believe that 'Windows' rang people and asked her how she got my details. She went on about license registering and getting details from the local exchange. I told her that I was not going to turn on my computer and type in a command on her say so and that I was sorry if it seemed rude but I was hanging up. She made it very difficult to hang up, and kept trying to persuade me of who she was. She wanted to give me telephone numbers, assure me she would not hack into my computer or steal my data, and gave a website to check, which I have not checked. Eventually I used the baby as an excuse to get rid of her again, with her telling me she would ring again tomorrow.

Several things now are making me paranoid and I wonder if anyone has any thoughts on them? I made a phonecall from our landline the other day, after the first phone call and could hear the modem beeping in the background, which I hadn't heard before.

About two weeks ago, my computer was broken, so I brought it in to the local town to a shop that is an internet cafe, repair and computer sale shop. It is probably purely coincidence as I didn't give him my home number.

I went to use a program on the computer for work last night, and it hung, which it has never done before.

Lastly, I rang the local Garda station after the first call, more to let them know that this is happening rather than looking for advice, but all the Guard said to me was don't entertain them. I thought maybe they would want details for future prevention or whatever.

This sounds ridiculous as I write it, but am I safe using my computer? I don't conduct work through the internet, but I do use my computer for work, which contains a lot of private information including bank account details. I haven't been using internet banking or paying bills online in a while and am currently looking for good spyware.

And lastly, how the hell do I stop them ringing the house? I fully intend not to answer the calls but I am amazed that they have kept it up and made 3 phonecalls so far, all from the same woman, saying the same thing. I assumed that when I said I didn't beleive her, she would hang up. I am concerned that they will keep ringing and start ringing at odd times,
Windows is an operating system not a company.

Microsoft is the company behind windows.

They have info on their site about such attempts:

[broken link removed]

Install a good Anti-Virus/Security program and let it do the worrying for you.

Comparison made here:
I had one recently. I just told them i had a Mac (I don't) and they soon hung up.....

I use Windows on work and personal laptops and if there is any issue i can get remote assistance from them.
If you didn't do anything in response to them - and well done if that's the case - then any issues you have are entirely unrelated. I'd agree with theresa1 on Microsoft Security Essentials, they're not a nice company and I generally don't recommend their products, but it's free and if anyone's going to know the innumerate bugs in their systems, it's them.

I have great fun with these guys btw. As soon as I hear the Indian accent and the silly claims, I go into complete moron mode and start dribbling out the side of my mouth. It took the guy about a minute to differentiate between windows on your computer and windows you look through the last time. It's my goal in life to get one of them to say the immortal line "the ones outside the window are far away".

Remember, the longer you keep them on the line, the more you cost them in time and money. And the more time they spend entertaining you, the less time they're preying on people less able to deal with their nonsense. By screwing with them, you're actually doing a service.

I agree, waste their time, act stupid, drag out the length of the phone call, ask for their phone number, a Irish one please, even to get rid of them say you DONT have a computer
I got one of these calls and I informed him that "I don't have a phone". - That stumped him...
I was in work when they rang unfortunately. My wife told her we had Ubuntu ha ha that really stumped her!! They can be very persistent, if she rings again ask her for a case number that usually sends them packing.
I too have been receiving these calls for well over a year now..Initially it frustrated me, the cheek of them portraying help to you on the phone when all they want to do is get their mits on your bank details/card numbers etc, steal your info and your money..Incredulous really!!
Well it really annoyed me and then I decided to get my own back and make a laugh out of it.. Now when I pick up the phone, I sing very loudly down the phone and ask them to sing along with me, it really annoys them and they just hang up, the calls used to come in twice per week but since I started singing to them we only get a call maybe once every two months ..
... I sing very loudly down the phone and ask them to sing along with me, it really annoys them and they just hang up, the calls used to come in twice per week but since I started singing to them we only get a call maybe once every two months ..

Doesn't sound like you should enter X Factor so

Thats a great idea he he
The best way to annoy these scammers is to stay on the phone line as long as possible, the longer you keep them hanging & waiting, make them wait, ask them to hold the line for a minute or 2 and keep them waiting, that will put them off
Absolutely agree.

I once kept them talking for 10 minutes then told them I wasn't buying.
Didn't get a call from them for about three months after that scene.
Now I don't have so much time to waste during my day LOL!.

I just tell them that I fully maintain my computers operating system, hardware and software
I tell them that I have no need of their services, that I am not buying and that I am going to hang up.
It will be interesting to see who quits first - trouble is, there are a billion Indians and only 4.5 million Irish.


I hope someone can give me some advice on this.

There is probably no relation between the call, your computer break down and your current software hanging.
You more than likely have a boot virus and you should visit Kaspersky's website and download TDSS Killer.

Read about it and download their latest version of it here.
Only activate it after performing a back up of your data.
Only instruct it to continue if it shows the "cure" option.

I have no working connection with Kaspersky.
I used to use their products and was a satisfied customer.
I recently used the above software to clean an infection from a PC I'm running.

Hope this helps.

We've had 4 PC's in for repair lately that were "remote controlled" by Microsoft or so they were told.

These callers will bluff and baffle the home user, tell you that you have big problems or viruses and then for a fee, "fix" it.

As suggested above, don't entertain them.

They usually get your name and number from directory enquiries and will use automated dialers to detect if a number is answered by a human or not. We often see called ID's such as 123456789 or 0000000000. In those cases we don't answer and our number is probably not put on the "callback list". If they are ligit callers, they leave a message.
I had one of these calls about 20 minutes ago. I told her that I take very good care of my computer and have someone to contact if any problems arise and you'd think my IQ was in brackets to hear the scorn and ridicule in her voice at my efforts. When I asked her how she even knew I HAD a computer she told me that "Windows automatically reported the problem" to them and that it would only take 2 minutes to check if the PC was infected or not. I then asked who was going to pay for this service and she told me it was FREE!!! I still wouldn't bite and then she got really mad; told me that I was to hang on while she got her Supervisor to talk to me because I guess, I'm just too damn dumb to know a free lunch when I see it. Some guy did come on the line and reinforced the "you're too stupid to live" routine "if you can't see what a Godsend we are to you". I've had lots of these calls over the years and I know full well they're a scam; in fact, the last time I declined their offers of help I told the caller that I knew who they were, I knew what they did, I knew that I'd NEVER use their service and to basically CEASE & DESIST. They did for a while but now they're back with a new M.O. - no more Mister Nice Guy! You really have to laugh!!!