completing form 12, a few questions


Registered User
I am trying to complete form 12 for the 1st time but having a few problems, would be very grateful if anyone could help me with any of the points below. Ive all the sections that I am having trouble with below

1. part 3 employments subject to Paye.
I finished up working as an employee during 2010 but never recieved a p45 despite writing of my dilemma to the local Revenue office months ago . I am unsure of my exact gross income, and amount that was deducted for tax. I am thinking of just leaving this part blank and adding a note that I still have no p45 from that employer.

2. part 6- social welfare payments.
It asks for the taxable amount of payment in 2010, is this my total figure of job seekers benefit?

3. Income from Trade/ Profession.

This amounts to €125 for 2 days work. My expenses were €35.
So for gross income €125,
net trading profit, can I put down €90? Is this okay

26. Foreign Income

gross income and tax paid while abroad completed in sterling.
Is there anywhere I can utilise espenses incurred while working abroad?

Claim for tax credits,allowances & reliefs for the yr 2010
44. allowable deductions incurred in employment
has - expenses & - superannuation contributions?
should i put my €35 expenses from my trade here? or my expenses from foreign work here?

Transborder Relief
work the req 13 wks IN UK, Is the UK acceptable for this form of relief and are all my receipts/boarding passes/ferry tickets etc..necessary to have to verify the frequency that I was over and back between ire and UK?
a few form 12 answers

your final payslip will have all your figures you need, it would just match whats on your never arrived p45. you should have contacted your ex employer about your p45 and income levy cert, do it now.

put your income from trade in as €90 ie income less expenses.

taxable jobseekers benefit is simply calculated. the first €13 of each weeks JB is non taxable, so just deduct €13 pw from your JB received, so if you got 10 weeks JB in 2010 just deduct 10 X 13 = 130 from the total JB you got and enter that figure as taxable JB.

I dunno about the foreign expenses but I'd say you can't claim for them, you were just working abroad, you got paid over there, the expenses are your problem.
Thanks Steiner for that.
have just worked out the taxable part of Job seekers benefit
will leave the expenses that involved working in the UK,
and have put a note in beside the transborder relief, so nearly sorted, thanks