Comp Sci with Maths or Physics?


Registered User
If taking a combined Computer Science BSc, do you think it is better to combine it with mathematics, or alernatively with physics?

Would employers prefer one combination over the other?
Maths would be better, but really it is not so important. You will be far more employable if you contribute to open source projects, have a genuine passion for programming (or whatever area you want to enter) and in general don't come across as the usual dud who did computer science by accident!
I've just read your other posts on this topic. Really I wouldn't get too caught up in the maths side of computer science. I have a maths and computer science degree (amongst other qualifications) and although I have worked as a software engineer, in reality I've never really had to use any of my maths knowledge.

Thinking logically, iteratively and patiently are the biggest requirements for being a good programmer (a love of continuous learning helps too...), and you can have these skills without being good at maths or doing any sort of maths learning. They're the sort of skills you're born with or perhaps developed at a young age.