Commercial rates on small shop overdue.


Registered User
A relation of mine took a lease on a shop in a shopping centre 10 weeks ago she has already had a rates bill & a final demand saying that a summons will be issued forthwith. The demand goes on to say that after this no payment will be accepted by the council without costs. There has been a heavy spend on fittings & stock (no credit to first time traders) but the business is geared up for Xmas market & cash flow will be such that the owner should be able to meet the rates bill in about 4 weeks. What if she waits till then ? Maybe she should try to do a deal with the rates office ?
Hi the rates office are pen pushers they know nothing about running a business you can spread out the payments. So you can ask them that you will start paying what's owed from 2015 included in 2016 payments on a monthly basis starting in January if aggreed make sure you stick to it.
Is she sure previously owed rates were paid off.? Usually demands like this only come 12 months after being due.

Rates can also be paid monthly by dd.

The rate is usually set in February and person who occupies the property then is responsible. So something wrong here.
Did your relative have a solicitor assist them with this lease?

Check out Section 32 of the Local Government Reform Act / SI No. 146/14. Current occupant can be held liable for up to 2 years of unpaid arrears.