Collsoft and general LTD company taxation questions


Registered User

I've started a limited company recently with my spouse who is also inthe same trade.

I've looked at Collsoft software as I will be doing our payroll. and have a few querys
The Mrs wasn't working since la year and I was an employee of other company until recently.

1. Under -> Emploee -> P.R.S.I, I made us both Class S Self-employed and chose cumulative pay (not week1 of course) is that Okay?

2. I will be paying spouse a annual Salary of 24800. Should I devide it by 11 = 2254.55 monthly as she started in February/Period 2?

3. Period - company incorporated on early last month02/2016. Can I skip to period 2 for spouse to start Payroll, or do I include a blank Period 1?

4. Should I start mine from Period 3 as previous employer paid me salary and my P45 states 9 weeks payments?

5. Can I pay myself salary from March? in other words do I go with 42,800/10 before taxes per month.

6. Payroll Date / Payment Date: Should they both indicate the first day of the month

7. My Expenses from February, as I pay myself no salary for February, can I simply roll into March payroll?


Btw, I’ve looked up the User's manual first and did not find tese answers, I'm currently stil ltrailing the software so have no support (catch 22).
I think you need to get an understanding of how PAYE works.

You need a P45 from your previous employer. You register the employee with the company through ROS which will give you permission to use a cumulative basis.

You have to start the payroll in month 1 and enter the cumulatively from the P45s to get it right.
Thanks Joe_90,

I've registered with ROS and can see the two employess (myself and spouse) and have uploaded P2C file after P45 was issued and checked Collsoft figures against P45.

Seeing that I recieved wages in January from another employer and new company incorporated in February, do I still need to do Period1 in Collsoft?