Collecting PRSI Numbers by VHI


Registered User
Just received my VHI renewal notive. As usual the premium has increased substantially. Now I notice that they are now seeking subscribers PRSI numbers due to "recent changes in legislation".
I know that your PRSI is needed to open a bank a/c but I was wondering is there is there any ulterior motive to this move.
Maybe I'm paranoid, but I just can't bring myself to trust Big Brother in Brussels or the shower in Leinster House.
I can think of 2 possible reasons

(1) Revenue give tax relief at source on health insurance and want to know who is getting the benefit of it

(2) Revenue plan on doing a trawl of MED1 forms to see if people are deducting reimbursements from their health insurers from the tax return

My money is on (2)
Many thanks for the info. It sets my mind at rest.
It's just that I know that what starts for one reason can be used for another.
The most recent Health Insurance Act obliges insurers to collect the PPS numbers of their members and to submit them to the Health Insurance Authority. I think it's something to do the additional tax relief at source available to members over 50.