collecting debts abroad problem


Registered User

My problem is briefly , we hired an agent to sell our product in Italy and Spain. He sold about 50,000 euros of our product to approx 15 customers, ranging 1000 - 7000 euros.

He advised us, that we had more chance of getting paid , if he invoiced the customers. So we invoiced him and he invoiced the customers. He gets the money. He was getting 15% commsion on payments

The problem is , we have not got paid , they still have our stock.

THe agent says they wont pay because it did,nt sell well. I told him to send my stock back , but this has not happened.

How best can i pursure the debt?, as the relationship is breaking down i do not trust him that he has got paid for some of it.

Have you any terms of sale with him, if you do what jurisdiction is applicable, i'd assume its Ireland. if so you could look at getting a judgement registered here and then enforced in his home country. Your solicitor would be best to advise you obviously
Your first priority was to set up your contractual relationship to allow you to address situations like this.

It may not be a "Terms and Conditions" issue, which may relate to a point of sale or supply.

You have appointed an agent and his terms of appointment should cover this.
Hi dingdong,

Are you still experiencing difficulties with your foreign agent? If so, in which country is he based? I have some experience in this area and will gladly advise you the best I can.