Cold Apartment


Registered User
Happy New Year All...

We have lived in a new apartment developement for just under 2 years now. Recently we have noticed that the apt seems colder and draughtier
than before. The floors are cold and once the heaters are turned off in the bedrooms they are cold again within minutes. I recently took out a
downlighter from the living room ceiling to change a bulb and was amazed by the draught in the space above. This problem is more pronounced when it is very breezy and our apt has a very open aspect on one side. It sounds strange I know but last winter we didnt seem to notice this and the ambient heat in the apt seemed fine. I have sealed up gaps at skirtings and taped the vents in the sliding exterior doors and it has helped
but the hole thing is really bugging us at present.
I was wondering if anyone has
ever experienced this problem before?Can insulation brake down after a
period of time and can gaps in concrete occur as the building settles etc?
Any input would be appreciated.
Hi byr02,
It's highly improbable that insulation would degrade in only 2 years; which floor is your apartment on, is there a basement carpark and where is your unit in relation to this? Is it possible that there is a vacant (unheated) apartment above or below your apartment? It's difficult to offer any more insight without knowing the actual building and its type of construction etc.
It's a third floor apt and I think the people underneath have been away for the last
couple of weeks and we never hear anyone over us.
Ok, well, temperatures have been low over the past couple of weeks, and if apartments above and below yours are unheated for a period of time it is most likely that you will notice a significant drop in temperature as more heat is lost from your apartment to those (temporarily) unheated spaces. Apart from sealing any gaps in the construction there is very little you can do, but make sure that your heating system (maybe this is electric only?) is properly serviced and running efficiently. monitor the situation and see if matters improve once those apartments are occupied once more. The usual advice regarding fitting heavy, lined curtains etc is as valid as ever of course.