Closing UB Direct Saver Account


Registered User
Thought this would be just a couple of clicks job, you know the little box you usually get the option to tick, 'close a/c' no joy though.

Asked their web adviser how do I close this account and she advised that I had to write to my bank or call in as they need a signature.

I pointed out that this is a 'strictly on line' account and that writing or calling in seems crazy.

What are my options: If I just transfer all the funds to my current account and leave zero bal in direct saver, will they add any interest due to me later.
You have to go into a branch to close the account. They will then send you a cheque with the accrued interest to date. So backwards.

Ulster, like many banks, make account opening easy. They make account closing hard, with lots of hops to jump through.