Clock Card System



We have a white elephant of a clock card system here at work and I want to suggest to the powers that be to look at introducing a new one, preferably one with thumb print clocking in as opposed to clock cards. Any ideas?
I have a client who implements this system, i will dig out their details
my man

Stephen Graham, his number is 087 9691873

hope this is of some use

Card Clock System

Hi we are a start up company currently working on a RFID click in system. Basically everyone has a creditcard sized card that they carry and as they walk past the door the reader scans and logs them in.
This can also be used to track users around a factory/office and restrict user access to certain areas.
IF you are interested them send me an email
removing the NOSPAM
Thanks itage. We have a similar system at the moment but people 'forget' their cards. I was hoping to suggest a thumb print system because then they cant 'forget' their thumbs! Unfortunately the vibes i'm getting from the powers that be are to forget it due to cost.

Thanks for your help.
There's a company called Irish Time Computing who are pretty good in this whole area - 276 2844. They would talk you through the options available.
are there that many people where you work that you need to spend a bundle on a new clock card system?
What will the return be in hours saved by whomever does the wages?
Will it cost an arm and a leg to get the system fixed when it breaks?
How long will it take to get it fixed when it breaks?

That's some of the questions I would ask if someone proposed a thumb print clock card system in my company...
Any chance that a bit of lateral thinking might apply - stop measuring the staff by the amount of time they spend at work - start measuring them by what they produce.
Sorry, forgot about this post!

Purple - I do forthnightly wages for approx. 200 people, and monthly for 150, and at the moment its all done on manual timesheets, which, at the best of times takes me almost a day and a half to gather up and decipher and leaves me a day to calculate and produce the wages. This is made harder when there is a bank holiday in the payroll week as it means I dont have that first day to be hunter/gatherer!

Rainyday - There is a very good bonus system in operation here whereby they get paid on what they produce, but if Mr X slips off home early and its not recorded, he will still get the same bonus and wage as Mr Y who has stayed doing his job for his full shift.

Another benefit of such a clock card system is that it would hopefully be able to produce valuable reports. We have to carefully monitor the amount of time our guys spend at work over a given period of time and if we exceed then we're breaking the law. I'm not satisfied that the manual timesheets are sufficient to collect this info.
but if Mr X slips off home early and its not recorded, he will still get the same bonus and wage as Mr Y who has stayed doing his job for his full shift.
But he would only get the same wage if he managed to produce the same - right? I do take your point about tracking maximum hours worked, mind you.
Hi rainyday,

I have come across situations where workers are paid primarilly (sometimes up to 100%) on output.

You still need an idea of the hours worked in order to know the rate at which to pay annual leave and as you mentioned to meet the requirements of the working time directives.

But he would only get the same wage if he managed to produce the same - right?

Not really. They get paid a set hourly rate. Bonus is group performance related. An individual can only loose bonus if for some reason they are absent (holidays not included).
Biometric (finger print) time card system + software


I work for a payroll software company and we have been looking at these types of systems for a while. To date they all seem to be very expensive.

Last week we found what seems to be a very good deal for a fingerprint time clock + software for €390. They have a cheaper unit at €350, but I am not sure if it comes with the relevant software or not.

The site is

I think they are selling from Hong Kong, so there may be Import duty due, and I am not sure how much this would cost. Also, you would have to install it yourself, or you may need to pay somebody else to.

We have ordered one for evaluation purposes, and I will let you know how we get on.


Jason Collins
Re: Biometric (finger print) time card system + software

Hi Jason, thanks for that, I'd appreciate an update whenever you can.