Claiming Mortgage Interest Relief



Hi there,

I have never claimed Mortgage Interest Relief (always meant to get round to it) and I am just applying online now to claim it back.

I have a query in relation to my change in status. I seperated last year from my husband. We are on good terms and have not got round to doing anything legal about it yet. As I am now applying for this tax relief I am wondering if I should put it down that I am still married (as I was married for the years I am claiming for) or should I put in my current status...seperated? Will it make any difference to what I can claim back? My ex is happy for me to claim this back and I am now paying the mortgage on my own even though both our names are still on the mortgage.

Sorry if this is a bit of a silly question but I am not really in the know about this kind of thing and I want to do what ever will give be the best outcome financially and for what I can claim in the future.

If you do not have a judicial separation then you are still married - even if living apart.