civil wedding registrars


Registered User
Where would I get a list of registrars available to do a civil wedding on a Saturday in Co Wicklow, near Bray? My daughter is hoping to get married in September but she lives in Australia so I'm doing a bit of donkey work!
The list of registrars in Wicklow can be found on this page - it includes private registrars.

[broken link removed]
Not sure if this is correct, taken from [broken link removed]:

Civil Registration Service, Glenside Road, Wicklow, Co Wicklow
Opening Hours: 9:30 - 12:30 and 2:00 - 4:00 Mon- Fri
Phone: 0404 68400
Thanks for those. I did actually have those but just wondered if there were other sources.
a civil wedding on a Saturday

If you're looking for a HSE employee remember that they're civil servants and only work Monday - Friday!
Other people (priests, humanist celebrants etc etc) might work on Saturdays, it's up to the individual then.
Just to point out that a HSE employee is a Public Servant, not a Civil Servant!
If you're looking for a HSE employee remember that they're civil servants and only work Monday - Friday!
Off topic but plenty of public/civil servants work more than those days - e.g. the Revenue helpline staff last Saturday or the Household Charge people who called me at 7pm last night to deal with my problems in setting up a DD on their website. No doubt cue somebody moaning about the overtime they're paid for this. I'm private sector myself as it happens but just hate knee-jerk civil/public service bashing for the sake of it.
A friend of mine got married two years ago and I distinctly remember she said that you could only have a civil ceremony on Monday to Friday.
It is possible it has changed since then.