Civil summons but business debt


Registered User

Wondering if anyone would have info on this. My partner had a busniess which was liquidated last year he has just got a civil summons from 1 of his customers who had paid a deposit but didnt receive goods. She has stated in the summons that she dealt with him directly as a tradesman and not with the company so is coming after him personally.
He still had his order books so we had the copy of her order and deposit paid which was signed by her and another employee at the company she hadnt actually paid the deposit to my partner.
We looked for advice from a solicitor and he has said she has a strong case because of the company name on the order book.

Company name is (example) Joe Bloggs timbuktoo Ltd T/A Joe Bloggs

Order book only has the Joe Bloggs as this was what it was trading as but not the timbuktoo Ltd and solicitor says because of this she a right to come after him personnally.

Can anyone shed some light on this as i really dont understand it and im worried if this is successfully will we have a long list of civil suits against us.


Mods think i should have posted this in askaboutlaw. Is it possible to move it.
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