Christmas, what a crock.


Registered User
Does anyone else hate Xmas?

Ok, so hate might be too strong a word but I certainly dislike it. The season seems to start in the middle of November and finish is early January. The decorations everywhere look cheap and tacky and real Christmas trees are dumped willy nilly by the so called ho ho ho fraternity.

While I am as capitalistic as the next man there is definitely gouging in prices just because it is the time of festive cheer. I do however hate the clowns of middle age men who wear xmas themed ties and Ryan Tubridy type toy show jumpers to work. I want to shoot them or cut out their livers. It should be a firing offence.

All day today I have people coming up to me in work asking why I am not going to the company get together tonight (I refuse to call it a party). While I have to work with them I am under no obligation to socialise with them. And it this current economic environment I certainly am not going to face the icy roads for an Xmas party that consists of 2 beers vouchers and some paltry finger food in a local pub. Why do all Xmas parties have to revolve around alcohol?

Xmas is for children and letting them enjoy it rather than fools of adults who see it as a time for them to get blotto at parties and act the maggot.

I am not a total grinch as I love the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” but the Christmas season should start on Christmas Eve and end when St Stephens Day is over.
I agree with much of what you say, but would not go so far as to say I hate Christmas.

I love Christmas morning with the kids discovering their presents. I love Christmas dinner and all the trimmings. I make a point of avoiding turkey & ham and mince pies at all other times. I love the time off work and those lazy days when getting dressed is optional.

I hate the first sights and sounds of Christmas. To me anything earlier than 8th December is too soon. I can't bear the ads on TV after Christmas Day advertising the sales. The general assumption that everyone spends Christmas in a drunken haze annoys me.
I love the fact that in our parish "midnight mass" is at seven pm

Only in Ireland
There's enough bad stuff happening in the world to start hating the enjoyable (for some) stuff.

Certain parts of Christmas I feel are disagreeable - crowds, rush, religion, trying to think of presents to give people etc, but I try to enjoy the good parts.
I normally love Christmas but am not really getting into it this year for some reason. Maybe because its not very Christmassy where I work, and I'm nowhere near the city centre for all the general may hem and meeting up with people for a drink after work before doing some late night shopping etc.

The worst thing about Christmas is that as soon as its over you're into January.
I'm not usually a great fan of Christmas however last year I was unwell & not able to take part in any of the Xmas stuff. This year I'm feeling great so I'm really enjoying it all, I've been out every night this week and have lots more social stuff lined up for the next week! We don't go mad buying presents but it's nice to give & receive even token gifts. So this Xmas for me is one of the best, simply because I still have clear memories of how I felt this time last year & this year I'm appreciating how good it feels to be healthy.
I look on Christmas as a special time of year. I enjoy contact with those who travel from other countries just to be near their family and friends. It is a time to settle disagreements and reflection. Sorry to be sounding like a priest giving the homily at 7.00pm Midnight Mass.

But, people are ruining Christmas. Over commercialism, hyped up rat-race, sacred-cows, etc have degraded Christmas. Worse again, many participate in the fake, forgetting that you cannot have a rat-race without rats.

Christmas/New Year is a wonderful time, let's keep it that way.
I just wish that I had purchased a bigger fridge when I was getting it replaced. I can't seem to fit all the extra bits and pieces in my current one.
The storing of and putting up of Christmas decorations is a pain but lovely when they are up.
I love my all year round family and friends visiting, not just the Christmas ones.
I like the peace and quiet also.
I have small kids so Santa and getting them to mass are the only important things to me at christmas time. Santa appears at the end of the christmas eve mass and tells them all to go off to bed quickly.

I'm allergic to fuss and hassle so I opt out of all the rest of it. I often think Christmas is only work for women!!!

It is particularly hard for people this year with all the talk of impending financial armageddon. The commercialism has I think been put into perspective.
Season of goodwill - try gettin' out of a side road in front of them and see how good they are to ya.

Tried walking down Grafton St. yesterday evening and the sighing, pushing and shoving that went on didn't seem like much goodwill to me
I've always hated Xmas. yes, hated. My depressioj increases each day closer and I feel a new lease of life after St Stephens.
My wife loves it. So do her parents and siblings family. Odd,really, considering I married into a Punjabi Sikh family and I'm the (supposed) Christian.

Many years ago I put my foot down. I said no more Xmas in cold weather visitng every relation and swapping gifts nobody wants. I'm a travel agent,for goodness,sake and I'm booking two tickets to Morocco and some great hotels in exotic locations. I waved the tickets in front of her and showed her pictures of the hotels.

So as I flew off alone to Agadir's sunny beaches I thought, well at least I'm free of all that Xmas crap for a fortnight. And I made especially sure that on Xmas Day i'd stay off the beaten track where there'd be no Merry-bloody-Xms types. I stayed in a third rate hotel twenty miles down the coast from Agadir. A few Moroccans from the cities. No tourists except back-packers in tents on the beach. Great !

On Xmas Day I see the owner and his wife with Santa Claus hats, shouting Happy Xmas and boasting of their special Xmas lunch for all the British,irish ,American etc backpackers. The place got jammed packed with carol singing hippies.


I'm not sure why i wrote this.
Bah humbug! What is wrong with you people? We live in bad enough times as it is without moaning about Christmas. Some people have nothing better to do than moan, moan, moan. If you want to moan get onto Joe Duffy.

For me Christmas is a wonderful time, watching the look on your kids faces when they open their presents from Santa,catching up with family and friends as well as enjoying a few days off from work.

So to all the moanies, cheer up and Happy Christmas!
I often think Christmas is only work for women!!!

Tell that to my wife. I’ll be cooking for my own family (4 kids, wife and me) plus ten of her family. So that’s 16 for Christmas dinner. I’ll be lucky if she helps with the washing up!

Anyway, I love Christmas. I love the break from work when everyone else is off so no phone calls from work or customers or suppliers and so 400 emails when I get back.
I love Christmas eve and Christmas day and the few lazy days between Christmas and New Year.