Christmas in Spain .


Registered User
Hi all , We are booked to go to Spain for the Christmas holidays , Now with the new variant about I am thinking about cancelling , I know it is a personal choice but is anyone else going abroad giving the circumstances , Kind regards Paul .
Yes, we’re heading away after Christmas. Of course the rules could change, but c’est la vie.
We've just returned earlier than planned from Spain due to a bereavement of a friend. We were going to return to Ireland for Christmas anyway. Have I reservations about returning to Spain soon? - No! The Costas are safer than anywhere in Ireland regarding Covid and even the Omicron variant (personal opinion). There seems to be greater acceptance of restrictions outside of huge cities like Madrid and Barcelona. Even outdoors there is an acceptance that face masks must be worn where there are people about. There are no arguments on public buses, wear a mask or get off or the police will be immediately called and they'll come within minutes (none of the don't mind the restrictions thinking). Refuse to wear a face mask in a supermarket and you'll be frogged marched to the main door and ejected head first and the security staff will be applauded by the other shoppers. On our outward and inward bound journeys there was self distancing in Ryanair queues. No matter where you travel make it safe for yours and others - you have the power and of course the common sense. Enjoy the sun.
I think case incident is very high in Ireland so will probably be much lower in Spain. The main decision will be around flexibility. Rules may change both before you go and before you come home and you may need different PCR or antigen testing both coming and going which could be different from today. There may be closures of non essential venues which could impact your enjoyment. And you may feel unsafe in crowded places like the airplane. Relatives, friends or even work may not want to see you after your return.

But if you are vacced and boosted the efficacy of the vaccine is around 75% so your risk is a lot lower than before.
For me I think it very much depends on where you are heading to in Spain, southern Spain seems at the the moment to be fairing better than northern Spain and the islands. If it was me and I was traveling now I'd be looking at the cases in the area I'm intending to go to and see what level the cases there are at at the moment and how their growing over the past week to give you an indication as to what way their going to go

As Leper alludes to in his post I'd avoid any hotspot regions like Madrid and Catalonia in northern Spain and I would now probably include the islands in there as well. Andalusia seems at the moment fairing better and where I am and Leper does be, Almeria seems to be the best out of the lot when comparing covid cases

Clamball also makes a good point in relation to how quickly things can change in a week and probably not for the better but he also makes the point that if your fully vaccinated your risk level should be lower and given that we are most likely going to be living with covid for at least the next two to three years if not indefinitely, you are as about as safe as you can be for foreign travel

When I Google "Covid in Spain" there is a handy little statistical interactive graph that shows the daily cases for the different regions that might help and then there is the accumulated rates over seven and fourteen days in the link below

Should be in Cyprus, but such is life and was all our own choice not to go. Thankfully, we lost no money or anything. However, I have booked and paid for a 2wk break in Fuerteventura from 1st February. Really hoping it happens, but who knows?
As @NoRegretsCoyote said, Covid is everywhere. I would consider how I would handle Covid in Spain versus at home? Will you have access to separate rooms / out door space when in Spain? I think it would be very difficult to be isolating in a hotel room versus at home, but perhaps you've booked something larger. At home, I know how to get food delivered, friends to drop things to door, etc... Depending on language skills, where you're going this might be harder.
A colleague went on 2-week holiday last year but between rule changes while he was away and him unfortunately getting Covid he ended up stuck abroad for almost 6 weeks. Important to think about this if you have work commitments or children involved.

Some people will go home to see family even if they are symptomatic or know they are Covid positive. I know people who did this last Christmas but I don't know anyone who acted like this over the summer. It's an emotional time of year so people don't always make great choices.

There is no such thing as zero risk and no point in being miserable stuck at home either. You have to decide your own appetite for risk, plan for worst case scenario, and hope for the best.

If travelling definitely get FFP2 mask minimum, the normal cloth masks and surgical masks are not enough on planes.
Thanks for the brilliant responses as always guys , Dem-syph link was the tipping point , Getting covid again is not the issue for me it is really about not being able to fly home if I tested positive , I feel like I debated my concerns with sensible people and we will stay put as our employers would not be too impressed even if we are not breaking any rules , Again thank you and enjoy your Christmas , Kind regards Paul.