Choosing a secondary school?


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My oldest daughter is in 4th class and we need to go about sorting out secondary schools. We live in Lucan and there are several in the area. I am not from the area, but I have been talking to other parents about secondary schools for a while! She is down for one school at the moment. Does anyone have any advice about picking secondary schools?
You can find some information about all the schools under consideration on the schooldays .ie website, then when you have a shortlist,, go and visit them. You will get a much better feel for the school by looking around it, talking to the Principal etc.

If you have neighbours with children in some of your short list, talk to them but bear in mind that you will get a very onesided view . The Principal of your daughter's Primary school may also have some insights into what would suit her (schools with a particular focus such as art or music or sport, etc). HTH
The one bit of advice I will give is not to pick the school just because all her friends are going there. Kids will always make new friends and it is good to leave primary school baggage behind. She is still only a child and her opinion cannot be regarded as a reasoned one. Pick the school for many positive reasons and then you can build it up for her over the next two years