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I've just been seeing a chiropractor for the last few days for a sore back and he seems to have done the trik. However, he now wants me to commit to 2/3 visits per week for the next 12 months - cost €2500. Anyone have experience of chiros and are they worth it??

I would go back to your GP for advice first , seems like they are trying to rope you in. Chiropractors are still very much on the fringe of the medical industry , unlike Physiotherapists who have only really been accepted into the medical fraternity in the last 10 years. I have suffered from a bad back for a long time , I went through all the various scans and surgery etc.

I can say that Chiro or Physio is usually only a temporary measure, so after 12 months there is no guarantee that you will not revert back to your original condition.

Talk to your GP and try to find out how qualified your Chiro is , have you VHI to cover the treatment ?

Makes no sense (other than financial sense for him) - If he isn't going to fix the root cause of the problem, why would you stick with him?
I am in exactly the same situation. This guy in Galway wants 2100 euro in advance. Seems very strange to me - how many doctors do you know who want payment in advance? Strikes me that when they have your money they don't really have to cure you do they? In the surgery I felt like i was at a sales presentation more than a doctors surgery. I will not be parted from my money that easily. i will get at least a second opinion.
Anyone contemplating attending one of these practitioners might find this of interest:

It is not clear that a consumer has any redress in the event of injury resultant upon a treatment. Indemnity insurance is not mentioned in this document. Neither Chiropractors nor Osteopaths are included in the proposed list for registration. Caveat emptor.
Re: Chiropractic and the VHI

Found this on VHI's site: [broken link removed]

Wasn't there a Primetime investigation into Chiropracters on RTE? Seemingly people all over the world have suffered paralysis after visiting a chiropracter and having their necks cracked.

In relation to payment I personally never pay for anything up front. When I was getting Orthodontic treatment I paid monthy on each visit. At least if the treatment was not working i could have stopped payment.
Forget the chiropractor. I have heard this story a lot recently. I know one guy that was told he would need 40 sessions to fix his back.

I had a bad back myself a few years back but a few visits (5 i think) to the good physio sorted it - along with lots and lots of self help exercises to correct posture etc. Most back problems can be sorted with self help instructions. More serious back problem require an operation.

What did your GP say ?
A friend of mine recently had very bad back/mobility problems and was taken in for tests and scans etc and when the results were eventually disclosed the specialists told him that his previous visits to choiropractors had actually created his problems.

He was told that after fifty years of age do not go near them as they do more damage then good.
Important thing about physios is that they will not go near your neck muscles/bones - thats where the chiros often target and it can cause the serious damage. Physios will give you heat-packs & electolosis and exercises to calm the neck muscles and sort out posture.
I used to go to various chiros with lower back pain, now its not for everyone but my back pain has vanished after purchasing one of . I only need to use it one a month, stretches out the spine and relaxes the body, sore on the ankles though but you get used to it. I have no connection with them