Chimney cleaning Brushes


Registered User
Anybody know where I could buy brushes for cleaning the chimney. I live in Limerick so preferably nearby.
I'd say that your best bet would be a co-op. maybe the one in Raheen may have them. Ring first.

Hans/anyone, is this a difficult a difficult or messy job??
About how much are the brushes?
Can anyone recommend somewhere in Dublin (not too many co-ops here)
Hans/anyone, is this a difficult a difficult or messy job??
About how much are the brushes?
Can anyone recommend somewhere in Dublin (not too many co-ops here)

You've heard the true story about the guy who put the brushes down the wrong chimney and destroyed next door's sitting room .................
B and Q or woodies sell them too. Its not a job i'd do. Let it to pro's. If you are doing it. Put a sheet of plastic up or similar and put hole in it big enough for just your arm and brushes. Save dust coming into room.
If possible try and tape the plastic around the ope using a wide mastic tape to seal any gaps. Even with the greatest care it is a messy job, although I'd still rather do my own chimney than get a chimney sweep to do it, don't think they'd be as careful about the mess.
You've heard the true story about the guy who put the brushes down the wrong chimney and destroyed next door's sitting room .................

No, I didn't hear the TRUE story, but I am curious as to what he was doing putting the brushes DOWN the chimney. Must have been his first day on the job.

Do ya know....I was just thinking I should leave it to the pros 'cos I always assumed you put the brushes up....rather than down.

I guess the idea of DIY comes from the idea that I'll be ripped of as I have no idea whats involved to get it done. So, to broaden the question, what does it cost to get it done by a pro & if I go the DIY route, will I regret investing in the brushes (which will onlt be used every 1 or 2 years & hav to be stored)
I was quoted 37 euro for the brushes but maybe cheaper in B & Q. I dont light the fire very often but my husband used to use his brothers brushes and it is not a dirty job if u are careful,as another subscriber said you cant be guaranteed that the professional cleaner will do a clean job as I know from experience. If you have your own brushes you can do it at a regular basis. I was quoted 70 euro for the job so hopefully I wont have to pay that again. Thats my contribution to the R word!!!!
Sueellen the brushes go up the chimney not down. As for the person that said they would be better off with a professional doing the job I used to get one of them a few years ago, all he did was stick a vacum cleaner up the chimney. A few months after the chimney was as bad again, which is the reason I bought my own brushes.
Sueellen the brushes go up the chimney not down.

I can remember as a child seeing the chimney sweep covering the area and putting the brushes up but also heard the story about the guy who tried cleaning his chimney by putting a brush down and in doing so destroyed the sitting room next door. So presumably this could not have happened.
Technically the best way to clean a chimney is from the top down, the brush will dislodge more soot and it's easier to contain it below. Access is obviously a problem so this is rarely done now!

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