Children in restaurants


Registered User
I see some of the more upmarket restaurants are considering a ban on children after 5pm in the evening. Personally, I think they've been given little choice by the inconsiderate behaviour of a minority of parents who seem oblivious to the annoyance their children or screaming baby are causing to other diners. Hard on parents who do know how to behave in restaurants though.
Hard on parents who do know how to behave in restaurants though.

Some of the parents that I've seen misbehaving in restaurants, especially under the influence, are a lot worse than any child. Christmas seems to bring out a lot of the space cadets.

[broken link removed].
Oh I agree, it's not just kids that can be noisy and irritating in restaurants. A loud office party located right next to your table can be a total pain, as can people shouting into mobile phones or laughing like a loud hyena every ten seconds.
children are the future they should be cherished loved and indulged
Pichet (owned by Nick from Masterchef).
I also read that Derry Clarke is/has banned children after 5pm.
Which Restaurants are considering this ban?

Exactly, I may have to start frequenting them!

Id also like to see child-free flights, child-free hotels and child-free beaches.

I stayed in a very expensive hotel last year in Sicily and the first 2 days by the pool were totally ruined by just one family and their feral children. Tbh the adults were probably louder than the children with all the screaming at the children they did.
the level of intolerence is shocking . we were all kids once

Don't be hard on them! it's possible some AAM'ers skipped childhood, came out fully grown and allergic to the hoi polloi. But I agree, miserly move on behalf of Pichet, when Restauranteurs quote health and safety as a reason to not do something it rings alarm bells with me similar to that of a dirty toilet in their establishment
the level of intolerence is shocking . we were all kids once

And now we are adults and can choose where we wish to eat, fly to, holiday etc.... Not everyone likes being around kids, especially badly behaved ones.
the level of intolerence is shocking . we were all kids once

It's not intolerance. Most kids are bored stupid in up-market restaurants and so who can blame them for acting up. It is selfish on the parents part to bring them there. They are not doing it for the kids. How many 5 year olds do you know that demand to be taken to Pichet's for a bite to eat?

There are plenty of restaurants that cater for families. If parents want to enjoy the finer restaurants, then they should organise child care.
I suggest substituting the word foreigners for children and reread your posts and see what i mean
I suggest substituting the word foreigners for children and reread your posts and see what i mean

....and how ridiculous is it that children under the age of 16 are not being allowed drink, vote, smoke, drive, are forced to go to school, cannot legally have sex, etc.

Imagine we imposed all these rules on foreigners.
....and how ridiculous is it that children under the age of 16 are not being allowed drink, vote, smoke, drive, are forced to go to school, cannot legally have sex, etc.

Imagine we imposed all these rules on foreigners.

Is it any wonder we have so many messed up kids
I suggest substituting the word foreigners for children and reread your posts and see what i mean

If a foreigner ran around a restaurant shouting and banging into the back of my chair, or set up a loud wail for the duration of my meal then I would feel perfectly entitled to object to his company.

It is not 'children' that people object to, it is parents who allow their children to run amok or who don't take their screaming baby outside. Yes, we were all children once and I was certainly never allowed disturb other diners in restaurants. Part of childhood is learning that you have to consider others and that the universe doesn't revolve around you.