Cheapest index trackers in Ireland


Registered User

What is the cheapest way to invest in an equity index tracker (i.e. passively managed all equity fund) in Ireland?

The cheapest with the insurers (for full allocation rate and no withdrawal charges) is a 1% management fee plus 1% government levy on allocation.

Can you do it cheaper if you just go directly through an online broker?

Just to be sure are you referring to Listed (on the stock exchange) trackers like exchange traded funds or to unlisted funds?
Rabo does offer index tracker funds but charge .75 percent entry and exit fees plus AMC of .45 - 1.5%. So not cheap.

Im currently thinking of one global accumulating ETF tracking MSCI world index. Bought from Derigo it's .22% charge to buy E1000 per month with annual TER of .2%.

Be aware of tax implications. Loads on info on here about it

Yes, a global accumulating ETF was exactly what I was looking for. I saw that Degiro have just set up in Ireland, I think I will open an account with them.

I have just moved to Ireland, so I need to familiarise myself with the taxes. I see there is a 1% levy on life products, but I presume that ETFs are exempt from that?

I presume even though I am PAYE, if I purchase this fund I will automatically fall into the ‘self assessment’ tax category, because it is an offshore fund?