Cheap Legitimate Software - Photoshop + Quark


Registered User
I've to get copies of Quark Express & Adobe Photoshop. Can anyone recommend a cheap legitimate supplier or should I just go directly to the companies own website & buy from there?
if you can wait, check the prices for australian based resellers or the companies own sites - there may be a big difference in price versus the Irish ones.
Would free/open source alternatives such as GIMP (for Photoshop) and Scribus (for Quark Express) work for you? See [broken link removed].
It's part of my companies sale. I need to get original copies of the software for the buyer.
Fair enough. Didn't know that from the original post. The suggestion might help somebody else so.
...or should I just go directly to the companies own website & buy from there?

Companies own website will only sell at full recommended retail price so as not to alienate their reseller chain. You'd be better off shopping online through the likes of
I don't get what that means?

I guess that for the owner/employees to perform their duties these products are needed, and he may not have legitimate copies at the moment to hand over to the buyer? (sorry if I'm wrong here OP).
If you didn't have licences, would it not have been easier just not include them in the sale.
The relative success of the business is down to 99% blood, sweat & tears. The rest I'd divide between luck, illegimate software & my good looks. Hands up, I'm in the wrong here. I could bore you with my business hard luck stories but won't.
I'd have loved to have kept them out of the sale but I suppose it's negotiation stage at present. A bit of give & take and all that good stuff.
Just seems to make no sense to include something that you don't own, so you've then got to go and buy. Would make more sense to reduce the price by the cost of the software. Let the buyer use their own software of choice.
Sounds like a crazy thing to put into a deal in the first instance. Did your solicitor not raise any concerns about this item being in the contract?
It's a strange one alright. I'm emigrating to Oz on Sunday so my bargaining position isn't the strongest. All in, the deal's a good one. Otherwise I'd have had issues with it. Rather than buying the SW I'll leave 1500 Euro in the Companies Account.