Chasing EA after bidding




I've put in a bid on a house last friday, and the EA said it will probably be monday when i get back to you, it's now nearly a week.

Do you reckon it's worth calling them to see is there an update.

My concern is they aren't the best EA, we viewed the house twice with 2 different people from the ES, both were useless in my opinion and i wouldn't want them selling my house.

My concern is they are useless enough to not pass on the offer, that more than likely is not the way it is but don't want to fall into the trap of calling if its a ploy by EA to smoke us out.

Any help would be great

Or if you getting no joy, why not call to the vendors and explain your circumstance and then leave the offer with them.
Are they perhaps testing to see how eager you are. Resubmit the same offer and put a deadline on it - i.e. offer only says on the table for 7 days or something like that, there's plenty of houses out there
This is typical of the 'cant be arsed attitude of most EAs after the boom'. Invariably they will not have even submitted your offer to the seller.

By law in the UK all offers must be submitted to a seller no matter how silly and the EA must provide a written confirmation that the offer was put forward.

Do as Mercman suggests and go see the vendor or drop a note thru their door. It is important to highlight the short comings of EAs and praise those who do a good job.

Glad to see you are questioning the actions of the EA and not simply going with the flow. We will see a big backlash against EAs in the coming months.

While the UK EAs are obnoxiously in your face, they do have some good services, like assessing your requirements when buying and offering viewings on similar houses and when selling providing clear communications.

I am seriously considering setting up an Estate Agents to show the Irish Cowboys how to do business.

Sorry rant over...