Changing solicitor during sale and buying of new house?


Registered User
Just wondered if anyone can offer advice on a situation we have found ourselves in, we are in the process of selling our home and buying a new build and so far are not happy with the solicitor we are using. We went sale agreed 6 weeks ago and with 1 delay after another regarding deeds of our home and solicitors holidays they havent even issued contracts to buyers yet. We were wondering what the implications are in changing solicitors at this stage ie, will we be charged for services rendered so far and also is it worth the hassle, or will it be a longer more drawn out process if we decided to do this? Bearing in mind that we have never sold a house before its all new to us but it all seems very unprofessional to us. We spoke to solicitor and they have said they will issue contracts when they get the " opportunity " to do so and werent very happy with us questioning the process. All advice would be appreciated! Thanks
You can change solicitor at any stage of the process. The earlier the better. The advantages: you will get another solicitor of your choosing. The disadvantages: you will have to pay the first solicitor for work to date, there will be some delay in transfer of file to new solicitor.
I recommend changing the solicitor before its too late. Otherwise you will be like me - more than six months in, homeless and still without contracts signed.

I would also rate your solicitor on - its important that people steer clear of solicitors that don't understand that they are running a business and should be looking after their client's needs in a timely and efficient manner.
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Thanks for the advice, Vanilla how long of a delay would you be looking at roughly, she has all paperwork done apparently and is supposed to send it off when she has a chance!! Also would anyone have any recomendation of a solicitor in the North Dublin area? Thanks again