Changing ones mind on house purchase!


Registered User
Put down my deposit for a fab house however, yesterday a previous house which i was outbid on, came back on the market. It is a really beauty and i was devastated when i lost it..I dont really know what to do now: is it too late to change my mind despite the fact that the structural survey has been carried out and the solicitor has been hard at work with the current house....hmmm... (no contracts signed...)
is it worth the headache ?
Re: Changing ones mind!

Priority here is you. I don't know the logisitcs involved with where you are and the cost to you for changing your mind BUT...this is you home, it is where you want to live, going to spend a lot of your life in (potentially).

And anything worth a few hundred grand is worth the headache to get it right.
Re: Changing ones mind!

No contracts signed, so you can change your mind. Only cost is the survey and the solicitor may charge you for the work carried out.
Re: Changing ones mind!

Decide what you are now willing to pay for the other house. Put in writing to the vendor your offer and give them a short time to respond, 2 days. Inform your solicitor not to do any further work on the agreed sale for a few days.

It is also probably worth putting down the pro's and con's of each house on paper. Make sure that you do not like the other house more because it 'got away'.

It will be hassle for all concerned but hassle that will be long long forgotten before the mortgage is paid off.