Changing Euros to Dollars for holiday in September


Registered User

Just wondering would anyone be able to offer some advice regarding changing euros to dollars?

We are going to Orlando in September but I have been keeping on an eye on the exchange rate for the past few weeks and it seems to be getting continuously worse.

Would I be better to change my money now or hold out and hope that the rate recovers some bit before September?

Appreciate any advice.
I would imagine the advice from the experts would be it's impossible to know, but if the amount being changed is significant enough you'd be advised to change half now and half closer to the time - maybe the simplest way of (part) hedging!
I would wait.
I can't see it getting much worse but I am not an expert.
Thanks for the replies, I am thinking of waiting as it's a while off yet and hoping the rate will rise in this time.
We are going on Hoildays in april and comming back by philly so there for 4 nights i just think at this stage it cant get much worse but then some people are saying it will go below the euro in next few mths. I am just going to wait and see hopefuly it will improve
Who knows where we will end up up with this - at one point the dollar was stronger and we may get there again.

Guy on Newstalk suggest that within a few months we will be below parity.
Hard to imagine but who would have predicted the fall that has just happened.

Here's one pretty article backing that up
Although I'm sure there are counter arguments
I'm not an expert at all but I read in one of the Sunday papers that it could go as low as 85 US cents for one euro. It was only one journalist's opinion but maybe something to consider.
Watch out for the commission you are charged.
You have no control over the exchange rate but you can shop around for the lowest commission charge.
I changed €545 and got $560 on Monday in the Post Office
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Watch out for the commission you are charged.
You have no control over the exchange rate but you can shop around for the lowest commission charge.

Be careful. Low or 0% commission outlets will often load the charges into the rate they offer.
On a related note; I am travelling to London next month with the family. Whats the best way to spend over there?
Visa Debit, Visa Credit, buy sterling before going over or take money out of ATM in London?
I usually bring cash with me and my cards as back up but the rate for Sterling is shocking also at the moment, about 70p to the euro I think.
we are just back brought a good bit of dollers with us but did look at changing a bit over there a we were getting $0.97 cents for every euro has anyone used the an post card was just thinking we are looking at doing a city break and it might be a good way to save money by putting a few quid on every month