Changing EA or appointing second agent


Registered User
House has been on the market for 6 weeks, not long I know in the current market, but am finding the EA quite sloppy. Not keeping me posted about the follow up, told me they have a potential bite from a 3rd viewing - which I queried as we have only had two viewings, checked it was our house and they were adamant, so unless they snuck in during the night I have no idea when this 3rd viewing took place- pitching in earlier than the appointed time - just generally a sloppy approach.

So am I obliged to stay with them, can I appoint a 2nd agent. Asked about a contract when we initially discussed but they said there was no need for a contract, mentioned general terms and conditions and asked them to email, have checked their website and there is nothing. This EA is not one of the bigger chains but would be a reputable firm with a strong local reputation and probably the leading EA in the area. Any suggestions whereto from here?

it's a little strange they didn't give you a acontract.. it normally has stuff about what you have to pay if you cancel their services i.e. advertising fees or whether they are the sole agents aloowed to sell the porperty etc..

so basically if you don't have a contract everything is fair game..

getting 2 agents is normall counter productive. so if you're not happy with them, cancel their services and go with one of the better known ones
Make an appointment to go in and sit down with the first EA to discuss progress.

Before you go in, make a simple list of the basic service points you need from the agent: i.e. a phone call before and after viewing, viewing at certain times/days only, a monthly review, report of their follow up with those who have viewed - things you need them to do for you.

Go through these with the EA - be polite but firm. If they say they'll do it, accept them at their word. If they claim to be doing it and you know they haven't, cite the instance when you know they're telling porkys and ask them to explain it - you're forcing some professionality on them.

Finally, tell them that after three months on the market, you'll be reviewing everything - which will obviously include whether or not you retain them as an agent.

If the meeting does not go well, if the agent gets defensive or refuses to do reasonable things for you, seriously consider telling the
EA that they don't represent you any more.

If the EA doesn't honour the arrangement, be firm, speak to your EA, not the receptionist, and tell them they're not playing ball with you. I've met agents who have startled me with their inability to provide even a basic service.

I'd just be careful about the contract thing - despite the lack of a signature there could be one of those verbal contracts where the fact that you have spoken to the agent and that they have conducted viewings etc., they could argue that a contract is in place. I think this is only really relevant if - for example - they introduce your house to someone who later approaches you separately and the EA misses out on their fee.

I'd want to know how much they're charging - some smaller rural agents can charge as much as 4%!!

You are free at any time to appoint a second agent, but personally I'd prefer to deal with one at a time.
god if you can get away with 4% im quitting my job and setting up in the country. After my 2hour 40 min commute this morning I am considering it anyway.