Changed address



I changed my address about 4 months ago whilst recieving job seekers allowance but never informed the Social Welfare, I have been told by a friend that I should have done this straight away.

The thing is that I plan on moving out of my current place in 2 months time, what I want to know is if I go in now to change address will awkward questions be asked, like do they ask when exactly I moved and could my allowance be stopped if they realise I left it so long?

Would I be better off keeping my head down until I move again and then let them know of my next address or would I be safe enough in going in to them now? Thanks :).

p.s. What proof would I need to bring to change address?
You are obliged to inform SW of any change in circumstances, including change of address. You should bring a utility bill in your name and advise them as soon as possible.