CGT Losses on form 11


Registered User
Do I need to declare losses, is there any point?
As I understand it losses in one year cannot be offset against gains in the following year.
Is that correct?
As I understand it losses in one year cannot be offset against gains in the following year.

Your understanding is incorrect, losses to unconnected persons can be carried forward against the next available gains in future years.
thanks Joe90, i thought they could only be offset in the same bad, but thats good news. is there a limited timeperiod over which those losses can be acrued/carried over?
also i assume unrealised gains do not have to be declared?
I was completing my Form 11 for 2013 via ROS earlier today. I have a capital loss relating to a sale of shares in 2013, however when I tried inserting a negative figure in the CGT section I get the following error message:
'Cannot have a value less than 0 or greater than 99999999'
I've tried using the minus and also brackets but neither work. Am I updating my loss in the wrong area or is this a ROS technical issue?