CE scheme


Registered User
hi everyone,

I finished a TUS programme last april, and while I was looking for work I came across a CE scheme that I would love to do as it would open up opportunities in the field of work I would like to go into. would I be eligible to be put forward for it? im asking because im claiming JSA for last 11 months (not quite a year) but by the time Garda Vetting comes back it would be april anyway. so can I go for it or do I have to be unemployed 12 months before I will even be considered?


I would go for it and on your cv cover letter I would state that, on *date* I will be eligible for c.e. scheme. (worth a try)

The only problem is that c.e. sponsors are supposed to get approval from dsp first before offering anyone a job. Definitely go for it.

If offered a position it will probably be subject to garda vetting, which gives you plenty of time.