Cavity wall insulation


Registered User
Am I right in thinking that the cavity wall insulatoion that is pumped in beads or foam cannot be used on cavity brick walls...???
Difference being cavity wall 2 separate walls parallel beng filled whereas cavty brick, only 2 holes at the top and they cannot be filled..

Am I wrong?

FIL got cavity bricks filled by insulation company, was he conned?
...maybe he has a cavity wall, with outer leaf of brick..........not an actual 'cavity brick'.......... ? In which case, no......

Besides.........who builds non-cavity walls, out of brick......... ?

Are hollow block walls eligible for a HES grant?

Yes hollow block walls are eligible for either the dry-lining grant of €2500 or the external wall insulation grant of €4000. The hollow block wall is not eligible for cavity fill insulation as this is an inefficient method of insulating this type of wall. The majority of heat is lost through the solid sections of the hollow block such as the ends and spine of the block. So dry-lining could be expected to reduce heat loss by 70-80% and blown insulation into a cavity wall would reduce heat loss by 70%, on the other hand blown insulation in a hollow block wall will only reduce heat loss by approximately 25%.

The info above is taken from the sei website, maybe it answers your questions.I make the assumption that by 'cavity brick' you mean
'cavity block'

when you say 'cavity brick', i think its safe to assume you mean 'cavity block'...

and again, to answer your question.... if he has cavity block walls and someone has 'pumped' them, then yes, he has been conned. there is no certified product out there for this purpose.
Thanks for that, the company he used have a pamhlet explaining how they do it so its obviosly hogwash! They explain how they do it but not what the results would be... anyway he paid 1700 for it a year ago... Im going to just not mention it then!!

Thanks again