Cats in the garden

Just the One

Registered User
Recently I am having trouble with cats in the garden. They are either sitting on the back wall looking in the window, prowling around the garden or sleeping in the garden.

None of these cats look particularly friendly... most look wild with a few cuts etc. I am not sure if this is the case or if it is because there is a cat in heat and they have been fighting.

Anyway, I got some powder stuff to deter cats and spread it on the wall but it did not seem to make much of a differance to them.
Can anyone suggest ways of getting rid of them or offer ideas as to why they are suddenly after deciding to use my garden as their ghetto.
I read somewhere that spraying a water pistol/spray or the like at them every time you see them will put them off visiting your garden in a relatively humane way.
If your whole garden is walled and there isn't any other access to it, you could try painting that sticky tar-like stuff along the top of the wall — cats hate getting sticky stuff on their paws! It's water-resistant and so will last much longer than any powder.
I read somewhere that the Lidl/Aldi version of Vick's Vapo-Rub is very offputting to cats - if you were to smear it on the top of the wall, the smell would put them right off climbing into your garden. You need to re-apply every 3-4 weeks.

I also read that putting a few drops of Olbas Oil onto used teabags and scattering them strategically serves the same purpose.

If you think the cats are strays, contact one of the animal welfare orgs (e.g. or [broken link removed], which will arrange to have them trapped, vaccinated/treated, and neutered, and hopefully re-homed.

Same thing happened to us about 6 months ago. Apparently some old lady nearby was feeding these cats, all strays with bits gone out of them. I have an open porch just outside my front door and they would sit there and not move when I came near the door.
Tried a lot of things eventually got a product called "Renardine", you soak rags in it and leave them near where the cats are. I got it in a garden centre.
Good luck!
We had this conversation here before about cats. The problem is that the cats need to be neutered/spayed, and if they can be caught and taken to the cats home, they might do it there, as they are strays, free of charge.
Otherwise they will be breeding, and you will have more cats.It is very annoying listening to their noise, but dont blame the cats, they are only doing what comes naturally to them.They will get over the wall no bother. The only thing to do is discourage them by throwing water at them every time you see them.
As far as I know the product I recommended isn't illegal. The people in the garden centre didn't let me know if it was. It will only deter cats because it has a very strong smell, it doesn't harm them. I had called the ISPCA who referred me to a person who will catch these cats but she had a waiting list of 7 weeks.
I have a toddler, who at the time was 6 months old, and these cats would not move when I would shoo them from the door, at one point they were spitting so I was nervous they would harm my baby.
janeycap said:
As far as I know the product I recommended isn't illegal.
RainyDay was referring to the deletion of other puerile comments not yours.
I heard from a vet that cats hate the smell of Jeyes Fluid so if you wash your paths down with this, it should work. Read instructions etc. though; may not be a good idea if you have a small child.