Cat wee in the car!


Registered User
We have an old cat who had a problem! so we had to take her to the vet.

En route it would seem she leaked on the passenger seat - first time ever, and probably related to her problem. The smell was a bit pungent but after a week or so it seemed better. However I thought maybe I should clean it so I got out my Persil bio and water and cleaned it - but it was worse! so I got a vinegar solution and bread soda...but the smell persists.

Any recommendations on a product or household mix that would work? It's not a hit you in the face smell any more but I do sit on a plastic bag rather than risk the smell getting on my clothes. Tx...
bicarbonate of soda and water mix .... happened to me with a cat in a similar situation.

It took awhile to get rid of. I soaked the seat with it. I also washed it with a wash-up liquid/warm water mix and used good old Dyson to suck the life out of the seat.

All odours now a thing of the past.
Not sure about stockists in ROI but this stuff is amazing

I used it on my mattress when my cat had a very large accident and it removed all trace of the smell, just leaving behind a very faint baby powder smell. I had used bio washing powder and lavender febreze first of all, but all that did was leave my bed smelling like my grannys house!! You do need to be able to let it dry before sitting on the area though - you spray it on so that the area is soaked, then blot up as much as possible with a clean towel and then let the remainder dry naturally. I did it twice to be sure, but mine was a very bad case!!
Excellent, thanks everyone for suggestions. I meant to write in OP that I had tried Febreze but it just sat on top of the cat wee smell so now it just smells sickly wee. I will try the bicarbonate of soda with water again and if that fails will defo get that Simple Solution product. Thanks again!
I recommended febreze because we unfort bought a designer velvet couch few years back for kids playroom for an unbelieveable price of €80 on a well known site. arrived by courier and the smell of smoke would knock you out. Two weeks in the fresh air and two spray bottles of febreze gone.
Sure, thanks Sandals - and everyone...
My friend spilt a litre of milk in her car the other day. We soaked it with a paste of bicab and water, left it overnight, then rinsed, and soaked with vinegar. No more milk smell, slight vinegar smell but I'd imagine that will disappear soon too. Good luck.
Has happened to me before - only real solution in the end was to get the car valeted.
Same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago, got a carpet washer from a hire place, first cover in a paste of bicarb of soda and leave overnight, then with the carpet washer, use a strong solution of bio washing powder and vinegar (I was reminded to use a liquid detergent not a powder incase the grains damaged the carpet washer) and wash the apolstery throughly, slight smell of vinegar lingered for a couple of days but no problems after that