Cat Bin Lady, Puppy River Fling Girl & Dublin Dog killed by fireworks.

Having looked at the video, it seemed to me that the cat wanted to get food from the bin but could not open the lid and ask the lady passing by for assistance
Having looked at the video, it seemed to me that the cat wanted to get food from the bin but could not open the lid and ask the lady passing by for assistance

She's obviously your favourite auntie who told you her side of the story after she mentioned that she has willed you, and you only, the vast fortune that she has amassed while working in the bank
Animal cruelty in whatever form it takes is the lowest of the low, and and one poster mentioned indicitive of a psychopathic personality.

I know just last week of a local family pet dog being killed by a sledgehammer by a new male member of the household.

I also had my own 8 year old dog killed by my ex. I firmly believe that anyone who is capable of cruetly to animals, is also capable of a lot worse - and research shows this correlation certainly exists.

I hope both of these low life individuals were prosecuted.

I saw a dog in very very poor condition being manhandled at a shopping centre a couple of weeks back and I took the dog off the people. What attracted me in the first place was that she had a lock off a bicycle around her neck she was dead in the eyes When we picked her up, she was just a bundle of bones.

Lots and lots of people walked by as per usual but two other people also intervened and between us the dog was removed(may good luck be with them who ever they are and whatever they do)

Speaking to animal cruelty, what gets me now is the return of the urban horses. Certainly in west Dublin, the Council did a great job a couple of years back when the law changed and all the horses were rounded up. They seem to be creeping back now. Most of these animals lead horrible lives and the local paper seems to have a story every week.
I've only just seen this here on AAM, but I have to say I'm totally baffled by that woman's behaviour. We have a dog and I don't particularly like cats (neither does our dog, by the way), but I just find what she did totally incomprehensible. Has anyone asked her why she did it?

I do think that the death threats are a bit extreme, but she definitely deserves a good kick up the backside (as one other poster said).
I think the woman and her family have been given punishment enough for the awful thing she did. Who knows what crazy impulse came over her that day. IF she was a gurrier or a thug with no job and living in a horrible area I don't believe there'd be half the fuss, it's all because she's ordinary -just like us.

I think you've got it in a nutshell. I have a feeling that if someone asked her why she did it, she genuinely wouldn't know why. Although I imagine she probably regrets it....
I think she was asked. First she said she did not know, then she said it was a joke and then back to I don t know. To be honest I don't reckon she knows. She is probably the type if she was to do you a turn, you could bet it would be a bad one. Her family must be embarrassed. Her father is ill so the mother put it down to that. It is just an excuse.
Yes certainly anybody that will harm a poor defenceless animal should be prosecuted, it makes me sick to hear what people do. The law is very poor in these cases.
Animal cruelty in whatever form it takes is the lowest of the low,
The lowest of the low? So lower than paedophiles and child abusers? Can't agree with that. The woman is obviously a bit bonkers and should be prosecuted for what she did but the rabble rousing and persecution is beyond ridiculous - and it's all because it was caught on cctv - this would barely have got a mention if she was caught some other way, brought to court and punished. There's far worse brought before the courts every day but with no cctv footage to ooh and aah over, the general public just don't care as much.
Probably one of those people who can't stand up to people in real life and lets herself get bullied. Has a chip on her shoulder for everything. Then gets her frustration out by going further down the chain and kicking the dog under the table, or in this case putting the cat in the bin. Because they have no voice to say who did it. Actually, the type of person I have absolutely no time for.

I also think it is the fact that she looked like a kindly old lady (she is only 45!!!) that people would trust to feed their cat if they were away and there she is recycling it!

The death threats and such like are way over the top, but I am glad she was caught. Her family did not do anything wrong and should not be mentioned at all.
Bloody hell. I saw this thread and googled this. All I thought was- okay she did something stupid and carelessly cruel. But who hasn't done something they regretted?

Let her get a fine or get taken to court or whatever and leave it at that. She's already paid an immense price for her crime.
The world is becoming increasingly like something out of the Simpsons! All we're missing are the mob at her front door with pitch forks!
For all those people who have condemned this woman over her act, who have questioned her mental state etc., I take it that you are all vegetarians / vegans?
There is a difference between being intentionally cruel to an animal like that and eating steak for your dinner.
For all those people who have condemned this woman over her act, who have questioned her mental state etc., I take it that you are all vegetarians / vegans?
In respect of questioning her mental state, that's nothing to do with exactly what she did and to what but that her behaviour was far outside the bounds of what would be considered normal by most people. And there haven't been many (any?) people rushing to her defence saying sure, don't we all do that sort of thing around here...
There is a difference between being intentionally cruel to an animal like that and eating steak for your dinner.

Of course, one is being cruel, the other is eating your dinner! But how did your dinner get there. Was the act of slaughtering the animal not intentionally cruel and even more vile?
There is also a difference between a domestic animal being treated this way and animals being bred purely for slaughtering.