Cat Bin Lady, Puppy River Fling Girl & Dublin Dog killed by fireworks.


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Unless you have been living on the moon for the last week, you will have seen the footage of the woman throwing someone's cat into a wheelie bin.

While I think it is a horrible act, I am shocked at the level of hatred levelled against her- she is under police protection and there is talk of her being sacked from her job in the Bank. The clip is on the news in America/Australia, etc. Shows the power of the internet.

Am not sure what it is about it that gets to people - maybe the fact that it is a middle aged innocent looking woman instead of a teenage thug type who did it. I did not like the sneaky way she looked around to see if anyone was looking but grabbing the affectionate cat by the neck and throwing it in the bin. Then she was away like Linford Christie.

I am an animal lover and am glad she got caught for the sneaky bullying act (imagine turning on sky news to sit down and eat your dinner and there you are throwing a cat into a bin) and think the fact that she was caught and shamed and the RSPCA will be talking to her is enough. She obviously has something wrong with her mentally as I am not sure any normal person would do that.

PS. The Cat's Revenge
She threw a cat in a bin, it probably had the time of it's life in there sniffing and scratching through everything. It's not the end of the world.
Yes it was a bit cruel but agreed, it's only a cat, which was unharmed and has recovered. There are people and animals being tortured far worse than this all over the world but the same people who are getting worked up about this cat wouldn't care less about them.

It's ridiculous that the British taxpayer is now having to fund police protection for her, I'd be more angry about that!

And come on, Top Cat lived in a bin and he seemed to get by just fine!

I think it is all of the above MandaC. Particularly the middle aged innocent looking woman part. She actually looks the type you might ask to feed your cat while you were away for a few days!! I'm delighted she was identified and am happy with whatever if any charges the RSPCA bring against her. She certainly seems very composed on camera and does not appear to have any mental probelms, not that I am an expert on these things. I reckon she is just plain bad to the bone. Only an evil person would do such a thing but there are a lot like her and a lot worse out there unfortunately.
I opened our wheelie bin this morning and a wasp flew out- what sort of sicko would throw a wasp in a wheelie bin??!
Whats weird about it is that she didnt actually harm the cat - but if the owners hadnt found it it could have died in the bin, so she was effectively trapping a domestic animal without physically harming it herself. What was she thinking?

It was a horrible act, but it doesnt deserve death threats etc... Mind you a lot of the so called threats are just idiots posting online who would never even say boo to a goose so the whole police protection thing is probably an overreaction anyway.
The 'it's only a cat' argument doesn't really work for me. It doesn't matter what it was, it was sitting on a wall minding it's own business when somebody walked up to it and for no reason at all put it into a bin. She didn't look to see what was in the bin, could have been glass or anything in there, she didn't look, she didn't care. The fact that somebody goes out of their way to cause distress to any animal is quite disturbing. I think had this been some young thug people wouldn't be saying well 'it's just a cat' - they would be asking where are the parents? , if he's capable of this he's capable of anything etc etc. My mam always told us to beware of people who are cruel to animals or children, they are capable of anything - I personally think there's some truth in that!.

The question is why would anybody pick up a defenceless animal & cause any harm to it? this woman has serious issues if you ask me!

Obviously the death threats etc are ridiculous but I do hope she gets charged with animal cruelty!
Throwing the cat in the wheelie bin was very cruel, animals feel pain and anxiety just like the rest of us. The impression I have is that she probably has a history with this cat - they may live on the same road and maybe the cat was messing up her garden. I doubt very much if someone like her would randomly befriend a cat just to throw it in the bin.
If the bin men had turned up to collect the bin and tipped the bin into the lorry before the cat was discovered, it would have been killed.

I think she's an evil, calculating woman who deserves to get her comeuppance. Unfortunately there's many other people like her in the world.
I think she's an evil, calculating woman who deserves to get her comeuppance.

I find comments like that disturbing. You know nothing about the woman and what was going through her mind, maybe something happened that just made her snap that day. What "comeuppance" would you suggest? I am sure the fear, stress and embarrassment she is is feeling right now is punishment enough without the angry mobs calling for a lynching.

The cat is fine, nobody died, there's 33 miners stuck down a mine in Chile through no fault of their own but we don't see international outrage about that.
There was a recent news report on Sky News with an extremely brutal and disturbing video of a young guy who beat his own dog ferociously while with a group of friends. The incident was caught on CCTV, the guy kicked and punched his dog - severely, and he also picked the animal up and suspended it over a wall. He was prosecuted for cruelty, but the authorities were unable to recover the dog, as he said he no longer had it and had given it to a 'friend'.

It was a much much more horrendous case of cruelty against an animal, in a public place, yet I dont recall any kind of media outrage about it.
I wonder if the people who get so upset about a cat getting dropped in a bin ever give a second thought to the suffering inflicted on people all over the world. When people are no longer starving to death, when children are no longer being raped and mutilated, when tens of millions of people are not dying from simple curable diseases, then I’ll start worrying about some poxy cat getting stuffed into a bin.
Look, just dish out a kind of sharia type punishment to the woman and be done with it. A couple of big burly guys lift her up and throw her into the nearest bin. There you go.

But this post isn't about miners.

You say we know nothing about this woman. I think we know enough from the video footage. And that's bs that we don't know "what was going through her mind." Absolute tripe. We all have bad days, no excuse for being cruel to animals or people. Jeez if that was the case there'd be killings everyday. Sick of do-gooders!

Lovely . It might not have occured to you that putting a cat in a bin will not help solve any of these problems in any way. Would you have a woman who displayed such cruelty to an animal babysit your children for example?

As a punishment I would suggest that she spends 18 hours in a wheely bin herself. I dont think she needs police protection either and agree that the people posting these threats are just idiots. She does deserve a good boot in the backside though.
I am amazed at some of the comments here, it's not the cat's fault that there are people starving in the world and yes Purple people who care about cats care about people as well. The fact is someone threw a cat into a bin for no reason, if they are capable of doing that then they are just as likely to ill treat a person. The cat is a living creature, if she doesn't like cats stay away from them, there's no need to be cruel.

Agree 100% shopgirl. Nothing more annoying than these people.."oooh there's so much worse happening blah blah..." We're all very aware of that but as shopgirl says, that doesn't justify Mary Bale's actions.