cashing a small pension fund and taxation



Im new to this site so bear with me and congrats on the excellent site.
I live abroad now, so any help through this forum is much appreciated.

In the 90's I was a director of a company in Ireland which paid a pension contribution into a single members fund for about 3 years before the company closed and I moved abroad. The fund is small and does not warrant convertiing to an annuity, but does lent itself to encashment now that ive reached the required age.

To compute tax free sum I see from the documentation that one requires evidence of earnings back then, and I dont have any supporting documentation back that far,and also Im not in the Irish taxation system since either.
Whats the basis of computation of tax on this sum - I see somewhere a calculation of 1.5 times average salary used? If I cannot support any figures provided, is there a default calculation used?

Also, do I need to register with Revenue to get this, or does the Insurance simply deduct the tax and forward this to Revenue on my behalf?

I just want to use the simpliest method of cashing this modest sum, and paying the necessary (but not too much!) tax.