cash back credit cards



I was reading about cash back credit cards in an english magazine - thought it was a good idea - can you get them in Ireland? - has anyone used them? - would love to hear your views!
I use Anerican Express Blue...I get 1% back on almost all purchases (petrol, groceries etc). Because AMEX isn't accepted everywhere I still need a Visa. However, the amount I make back at the end of year more than covers the €40 I pay to the government to have this extra card.
thanks squonk - that sounds exactly what I'm looking for!
I'm another Amex Blue customer, Pauline. It's a great deal, if you always clear the full balance on time — otherwise their interest rates are quite a bit higher than rivals'.

See also CCOVICH's key post on this topic, and some of previous threads that mention Amex Blue.